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Women in Tech: The Future is Bright for New Leaders

August 18, 2020, marks the 100-year anniversary of the U.S. Congress ratifying the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. That breakthrough moment for women opened the door for even more wonderful accomplishments in society, culture, and business.

Over time, we have seen how women have made tremendous contributions in leadership roles across every aspect of our culture. And, there are even more opportunities 100 years later! Specific to the business world, women that develop critical technology skills have a real opportunity to become future leaders.

A recent report from Adeva IT notes that women hold about 25 percent of technology-related jobs. This percentage can easily increase because today’s organizations recognize how valuable women are in technology-driven leadership roles. The key is taking the right steps early in your career to position yourself to fill these roles.

Start By Finding Mentors to Help Develop Skills

Early in my HR career, I learned to ask for challenging projects that exposed me to a variety of talented people. I was able to learn, gain invaluable experience, and build relationships that supported me on my career path. This included finding mentors who were interested in my success and wanted to see me grow as a leader.

The SINC organization recently released an industry report on Women in Technology highlighting opportunities for career advancement and the importance of mentorship. According to surveyed leaders, 64 percent of the companies where respondents work have a mentorship program. This is encouraging! If your company does not offer a mentorship program, seek an outside organization that can help meet this need.

Mentorship is valuable to develop specific technical skills that will help you in your current role. However, mentorship is also important to work on your complete skill set that will pay off down the road as you pursue higher-level positions:

  • Learn about the latest use of technology in the business world.
  • Build critical thinking skills to support the use of technology.
  • Improve your soft skills to be able to communicate what you have learned using technology (e.g. turning data into information).
  • Develop a clear mindset about how your technology skills can translate to new opportunities as you advance in your career.
  • Find your own doors to open because of the technical skills you have developed and the leadership you bring to the table.

In other words, keep pushing yourself! Now as the CEO of my own company, I have gravitated toward individuals who are passionate about their work, continuously challenge themselves (such as learning how to use the latest technology), and are not afraid to ask for help. These are great traits of an up-and-coming professional who wants to become a business leader.

Be Inspired By Business Leaders

If you cannot find mentors to help you on your specific career path, then look toward successful public figures who have exhibited the traits you want to emulate. Consider the business leaders who have inspired me:

- Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx, created a great product, was disciplined, and surrounded herself with mentors. When she started her business, she remained practical. Even after making money, she remained conservative in spending and her approach to growth was realistic. Blakely was honest about her strengths and weaknesses and hired in areas where she knew she wasn’t good at. This helped her focus.

I also admire Blakely because she is open about the challenges she faced as a working mother with young children and balancing family life. I also appreciate her sense of community and generosity. She pledged $5.0 million to support female entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic through The Red Backpack Fund.

- Warren Buffett, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is one of the most successful investors in U.S. history. He is humble and practical. I admire him because he is not afraid to set the example that smarts and hard work pays off; no one is entitled, not even his heirs.

- Bill & Melinda Gates support one of the largest foundations in the world following Bill Gates’ success as co-founder of Microsoft. The couple’s approach and philosophy to raising their children leaves a strong impression upon me. In our society, money is power, but if we can use that power in a positive way to enrich the lives and welfare of the world, we could all benefit. I admire their work and commitment through the foundation.

- Oprah Winfrey. Oprah’s drive is only matched by her empathy toward others. She is plugged into what’s happening socially and has been successful despite obstacles. She is a strong figure and positive influencer for women of color.

- Richard Branson. “Sir Richard” is a legendary visionary who was one of the original business disruptors through the introduction of Virgin Airlines. He is focused on the people, and I also like his humor.

The Future of Your Career in Technology

In my experience as an HR professional, growing my technology capabilities has proven to be critical on my career path. You can become more valuable to your organization and strive for higher leadership positions by making a conscious effort to develop these skills.

One hundred years after the 19th Amendment, keep in mind that the United States is the land of opportunity and your future is bright because organizations are clamoring for female professionals to provide strategic leadership. An executive leadership position may seem like a distant goal at this point in your career, but it’s achievable with the right approach:

  • Educate yourself about technology.
  • Formulate a career path in your mind.
  • Seek mentors to invest in your career growth.
  • Develop necessary leadership skills.
  • Evaluate your progress on the path.

Continuing to grow yourself and advancing your skills around the use of technology will make you more valuable to your organization. You’ll be positioned for career advancement to fill higher-level executive roles that will be in demand as technology continues to transform how business is conducted.

Keep in mind, too, that the next generation of professionals will be coming into the workforce with advanced technical skills through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programs. These future workers should keep you on top of your game! Continue to advance your knowledge about technology and never stop growing so that you can remain competitive.

If you have questions about where to focus your efforts at this stage of your career path, feel free to reach out to me. I would appreciate the opportunity to connect with you!

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by Tam Nguyen


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